Standard Features
- RRFG-1...Face Plate: 12 GA C.R.S. perforated face with 5/32" diameter holes on 7/32" staggered centers, installs directly to frame flange with security screws encompassing filter, includes profile lip for "hug tight" wall fit
- RRFG-2 with Secondary Face Plate: 14 GA C.R.S. mated and spot welded to 12 GA face plate (see above) and installs directly to frame flange with security screws encompassing filter
- Sleeve: 12 GA C.R.S. with face flange (specify length)
- Locking Angles: Two pieces 1" x 1" x 3/16" (shipped loose for field installation)
- Screws: 1/4" - 20 x 3/8" pinned flat head torx
- Standard: White Powder Coat Finish
- Optional: Rust Inhibiting Prime Coat. Consult factory for other finishes
Optional Features
- Material Gauges: sleeve - 3/16", 10 GA
locking angle - 1/8", 1/4"
- Material: Stainless Steel, Aluminum, or Galvanized (consult factory for availability)
- Security Bars: 1/2" x 1" flat steel (max 6" ctrs.)
(other sizes available)
- Opposed Blade Damper: front or rear operated
- Anchoring Studs: Nelson-Type for poured concrete/brick wall applications
- Locking Angle Frame: 1" x 1" x 3/16" welded one piece steel angle (shipped loose for field installation). Other sizes available - consult factory.
- Tamperproof Screws: Consult factory for specific product applications
- Filter: 1" fire retardant filter
- Adapter: square to round (shipped loose)
The steel face plate is attached with security screws to the flange of the sleeve. The locking angles (or optional locking frame) are shipped loose for field installation. Optional steel security bars are welded behind the face plate on maximum 6" centers. The optional damper is welded inside the sleeve and operated from the front or rear of the unit.
The RRFG-1 and RRFG-2 are installed in risk resistant ceiling and sidewall applications to be built into a wall (either poured concrete or concrete block) during construction, in order for the unit to become an integral part of the wall. The locking angles (or optional locking frame) are field welded to the sleeve on the opposite side of the wall preventing removal of the RRFG grille. See inside back cover, page i, for Installation Overview. |