Standard Features
- Face Plate: 3/16” thick steel
- Louver Bars: 1/8” x 1-1/2”steel bars on 1/4” centers at 0 or 15 degree deflection
- Mullions: 1/2" on maximum 6" centers
- Sleeve: 12 ga with continuous weld to face plate (specify sleeve depth)
- Locking Angles: Two pieces 1” x 1” x 3/16” (shipped loose for field installation)
- Standard: White Powder Coat Finish
- Optional: Rust Inhibiting Prime Coat. Consult factory for other finishes
Optional Features
- Material Gauges: face plate - 10 GA - 12 GA
sleeve - 3/16", 10 GA
locking angle - 1/8", 1/4"
- Material: Stainless Steel, Aluminum, or Galvanized (consult factory for availability)
- Security Bars: 1/2" x 1" flat steel (max 6" ctrs)
(other sizes available)
- Opposed Blade Damper: front or rear operated
- Anchoring Studs: Nelson-Type for poured concrete/brick wall applications
- Locking Angle Frame: 1" x 1" x 3/16" welded one piece steel angle (shipped loose for field installation). Other sizes available - consult factory.
- Adapter: square to round (shipped loose)
The face plate has a continuous weld to the sleeve. A maximum security grille offering the appearance and performance of a
linear bar grille. Louver bars and mullions are welded to the sleeve. The locking angles are shipped loose for field attachment to the sleeve, to assist in securing the unit to the wall.
The ASLG is installed through the wall and is secured from the back by locking angles. See Installation Overview. |